Millions of couples getting married have pledged to “love and to cherish,

until death do us part.” Most of us get the love part… but what does it mean

to cherish our spouse? Why do we say it once on our wedding day and then rarely mention it again?

In this one day Marriage Retreat based on teachings from personal stories and the Bible, Gary Thomas, the author of “SACRED MARRIAGE,” shows how cherishing can have a powerful effect on marriage. Couples who learn to cherish each other turn marriage into a delight.

Cherishing can breathe new life into a marriage – even one marred by neglect and disrespect. CHERISH is the melody that makes a Marriage sing.


Facilitated by Marriage and Family Life Ministry Team

Date: March 12, 2022

Place:  Our Lady of Guadalupe Mercy Center

Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm

Fee: $60 per couple.