On behalf of the Diocesan Youth Ministry of the Diocese of Belize City and Belmopan, all are being invited to a grand Diocesan Youth Rally on June 25, 2022. This is a cumulative event of the Integrated Pastoral Communications Plan (IPCP) goal of collaboration, communication and communion on youth and discipleship.
The Diocesan Youth Ministry is collaborating with St. John’s College (SJC) to gather 500+ youths from throughout the diocese for a fun filled day of booth competition, guest speakers, variety show, youth run etc. Please see flyer attached and feel free to share with others to promote the event.
This is a gigantic effort from the Diocesan Youth Ministry, and they are seeking your assistance with the following: preparing/cooking meals for the youths, monetary contributions to pay technicians and D.Js., promotional ads, powder paint and transportation for some youths from remote districts. On that day, there will also be a need for volunteers to assist with serving food and drinks and just to be there as big brothers and sisters to the youths.
Feel free to contact Ms. Miriam Juarez, Youth Coordinator of the Diocese of Belize City and Belmopan at email (catholicyouthsbelize@gmail.com) or at phone number 628-8095.
May the Good Lord Bless and Keep you.