New Youth Coordinator for Diocese of Belize City & Belmopan
Hello friends,
My name is Miriam Juarez and I am from Peini, Punta Gorda Town. I am the new youth coordinator for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Belize.
I was part of the SEARCH youth group many years ago and recently the coordinator of the Altar Servers’ Group at St. Peter Claver Church in Punta Gorda.
I am hoping to get to know the various youth groups in the thirteen parishes in our diocese. So, I plan to be visiting you all soon and hopefully get to meet the members of your group for a little chit chat. Along with the bishop and the diocesan team, we are hoping to unify all our youth groups in the diocese and to create and develop our Roman Catholic identity through prayer, fun and positive relationships. “For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body- Jews or Greeks, slaves or free – and all were made to drink of one Spirit” (1st Corinthians 12:13). Let us reunite into one Spirit of God!
We would greatly appreciate your questions and concerns. My email address is . Be sure to check out our Facebook page or @#CatholicYouthMinistry.
May God bless you and keep you. May God’s face shine upon you and give you peace. Looking forward to meeting you!

Miriam Juarez, Youth Coordinator for Diocese of Belize City & Belmopan